Class and Power Rankings

The next factor that bookmakers usually take into consideration is the Class of the teams that are playing. Class essentially symbolizes a team's overall talent, ability and to a certain extent, their potential.

"The next factor that bookmakers usually take into consideration is the Class of the teams that are playing. Class essentially symbolizes a team's overall talent, ability and to a certain extent, their potential.

A large proportion of the betting public seem to favour classy teams, not aware that the factor they base their decisions on have already been factored into the odds of the bookmakers, nullifying its importance.

Having said that, classy teams do seem to pull through a lot in recent years in the Premiership and in the Italian Serie A as the top few teams in these leagues always seem to be the same teams. This signifies an underestimation of Class as a factor in the odds. Bookmakers are quick to catch on, however and the only way one can see an over or underestimation of Class is if you know how it is measured.

Class is measured statistically, based on a team's historical performance. Data from the past season up till the last ten years can be used to measure a team's Class. One common way of 'calculating' the Class of a team is by a system of Power Rankings."

 !  Class
Class is measured statistically, based on a team's historical performance. Data from the past season up till the last ten years can be used to measure a team's Class. One common way of 'calculating' the Class of a team is by a system of Power Rankings.